KC Constructors was a nominee for the 2019 Truly the Best Award through the Lee's Summit Chamber, in the 5 and Under Employee category. This afternoon we spent some much needed time among our fellow chamber members and were able to showcase our business (and our customers' businesses!)
We were not selected as one of the top three finalists, but were in great company and had some serious competition (Fossil Forge, if you're reading this, you guys do some pretty awesome stuff!) I enjoyed talking to many new (to-us, maybe not the Chamber) members and reconnecting with others we hadn't seen in awhile.
I am also very-much looking forward to donating some of our um.. stockpile? hoard? over-abundance? of left over construction materials to Truman Heritage ReStore who I connected with today. We are meticulous in quality and making sure not to be *short* on quantities but MAN does that mean we end up with a lot of stuff. Good stuff! But just too much of it, and I'm looking forward to giving it a good home. Go HERE if you want to learn more about ReStore.
Congratulations to all the finalists! In our category Fossil Forge, Dynamic Displays and Freedom Wealth Advisors are finalists and up for the Truly the Best Award, which will be announced in May.
I ALMOST FORGOT!! Ok, I actually did forget - and post this. But internet magic! Its like that never happened.
As part of the nomination process, businesses were asked to create a "creative representation of their business". LET ME TELL YOU coming up with what to do, when you build building and remodel things isn't easy. Had I chosen my childhood dream career (Restauranteur), the career path I thought I'd end up on post-college (Guidance Counselor), or current *If I win the lottery* career (SAVE ALL THE DOGS... I mean dog-rescue) I had ideas.
But I was working with the real life career here and General Contractor had be pulling blanks.
Then, inspiration struck on my drive back to the office down 470. I passed one of those new Lee's Summit Gateways and knew that was it! Thankfully, Tom is very artistic and detail oriented because what he came up with was beyond what I had hoped for!

Forgive the photographer *me* we may have finished the decals just a few hours shy of the deadline and I was rushing to pack them up and head to the LS Chamber Office!